Blogs | How to Choose The Right Neighborhood to Buy a Home

How to Choose The Right Neighborhood to Buy a Home

How to Choose The Right Neighborhood to Buy a Home
Apr 18, 2024

Moving to a new home is an exciting - and stressful - process. One of the biggest challenges when it comes to buying a home is deciding which neighborhood you want to live in. There are many determining factors which play a role in whether or not a specific neighborhood is the right fit for you and your family. Let's take a look at some of the things you should look at when choosing to look at houses for sale in Murfreesboro, TN, or any other neighborhood.

How Walkable Is The Neighborhood?

The walkability of a neighborhood is a concept that relates to how easy it is to walk to local amenities such as grocery stores, train stations, schools, or libraries. If you are considering houses for sale in Murfreesboro, TN, you will likely be interested to know that according to, Murfreesboro has a walkability score of 25, meaning that it is a car-dependent place to live. While you may be able to walk around the neighborhood for leisure, you will find that a vehicle is needed for most errands.

Check The Transport Links

In addition to checking out a neighborhood's walkability score, you may also want to look at nearby transit links when you are considering one of the houses for sale in Murfreesboro, TN, or any other neighborhood. This will be especially important if you must commute to work and want to avoid driving your car there daily. While we are on the subject of commuting, you will also want to consider how long your daily commute would be from the various different neighborhoods that are on your shortlist, as this can add a substantial amount of time to your day.

Neighborhood Safety

Another important factor to consider if you are looking for houses for sale in Murfreesboro, TN, or any other neighborhood is how safe it is for you and your family. Some of the things you might want to take a look at include the following:

  • Crime Statistics - No area is entirely free from crime, but when buying a home, you will likely want to avoid areas with a higher crime rate than the average. There are many websites where you can check criminal activity in different areas.

  • Neighborhood Watch - Check for an established neighborhood watch group in the area. You may see signs posted when you are viewing houses for sale in Murfreesboro, TN. If you don't see signs, you can ask at a local police station or try talking to some of your potential neighbors.

  • Street Lighting - A neighborhood with adequate street lighting often makes residents feel a little more secure. It can also deter thieves, as they will be more visible.

Investigate the School District

If you have children or are planning to start a family once you are settled into your new home, looking at the local school district before checking out houses for sale in Murfreesboro, TN, is a wise choice. Some of the things you will want to consider include:

  • Test Scores & Data - This will help you to determine if the school district is meeting or exceeding the state average.

  • Programming - If you will be working full time, then it is likely that after-school programs will be an attractive feature from local schools. You may also want to find out if there are AP classes and college credit available if your child is particularly academic.

  • Extracurricular Activities & Sports - School life goes beyond attending class, so you may also want to look at local school's extracurricular activities and sporting programs.

Local Amenities

When you are looking at houses for sale in Murfreesboro, TN, finding a home you love is important, but you also need to make sure that there are accessible local amenities before you take the plunge and make an offer. The essential amenities will look different depending on the needs and interests of your particular family, but in general terms, you will want to look at the proximity of things like parks and recreation opportunities, restaurants, museums, children's activities, gyms, swimming pools, and libraries.


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